baahubali 2 trailer

The trailer of Baahaubali 2: The Conclusion arrived and started doing what Baahubali,the franchise, did so well — breaking records. In the 24 hours since its release, Baahubali 2 trailer has clocked over 50 million viewer. As SS Rajamouli and Karan Johar shared their exultation about the epic numbers, we would suggest that you watch the trailer again. As the trailer has many breadcrumbs that are bound to have missed after watching it the first time. The trailer is here to assure the fans that almost two years of wait and anticipation will come to an end when the film will hit the screens on April 28, 2017. That is when all our questions and hundreds of fan theories about the film will be checked. The second part was supposed to release in 2016, according to the initial plan but that didn’t happen. Before we tell you more, here’s the trailer of Baahubali 2 

The trailer has clocked over four million views on its Hindi trailer in few hours of being posted online. It was also trending worldwide and we would say for all the right reasons. Beyond all those grand visual effects and emotionally-charged performances, one may tend to pay very less attention to the story. So here we break Baahubali 2 movie trailer for you.

Following the death of Baahubali, Sivagami, holding up the baby, declares Mahendra Baahubali the next rightful heir to the throne. Now, that explains why Bhallaladeva wanted to the kill the baby as it stood in the way of his ascendance to the power.


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